Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 1...Welcome

Well, recently I've been reading some of my friends' blogs and it has totally inspired me... Months later... here I am! I hope I get to be as creative as they are in posting... and figure out the pictures, videos... one blog is now putting his all on video with him doing voiceover like a documentary short! one day!

so it's Friday night... and I have had this Traffic School DVD running in the background since this afternoon! how long is this thing? then I have to go online and take tests. The whole traffic enforcement situation is such a pain. I see the reckless drivers swerving around cutting off people, but the actual stories of those who I hear get caught seem so minut in comparison. My story is just as lame. Then I never receive anything in the mail or even find my citation number on the phone but by law, you're still responsible to call and ask about it... which I think is just to remind them to send you the bill because they forgot. So after paying that... I find out that I can do a DVD at home. I go to rent it and the store tells me that it's not a part of my online rentals package and I have to pay regular price for the video. Then when I get home I have to register online and find out that I have to pay another fee!

But I digress... things on my mind...

*As a new RN... finding my niche. Things I have enjoyed during my rotations: Community, Women's Health, Peds & Neonates. So I am meeting with hospitals that focuses on that. But what's wrong with my current location? Sadly, the nurses in my department are unhappy with the poor working conditions but feel stuck since they're "vested"or want retirement benefits and the benefits for their family. I don't want to become that burnt-out, jaded nurse who feels hopeless with their hands tied.

*Sex & the City... Okay so I'm a decade behind. I saw the movie on DVD & fell in love. I tried to watch when it was airing, but it was mid-series and I just discovered my new love for fashion and labels. But it's all fantasy and so unpractical... but nice!

*Comp Exam... grr. The final test to get my Masters in Nursing. It's a huge research paper that you don't get much assistance with and just pray you pass. Did I mention you have less than 4 weeks to complete it? It should about 20 pages with 25-50 references.

*Thank you cards... Yes the wedding was how many months ago? The cards came in blurry so now I need to wait for the new ones to come in. People are going to be like, "Who are these people again?"

Saw these at Nordies... think they're cute... and yes I'm also fashionably more ways than one.

These I wanted for wedding shoes. Didn't happen for obvious reasons :)